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It's never been easy for me
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To find words to go along with a melody
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But this time there's actually something on my mind
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So please forgive these few brief awkward lines ½î Çø®Áî Æ÷±âºê µðÁî Ç» ºê¸®ÇÁ ¿ÀÄí¿öµå ¶óÀÎ
Since I met you my whole life has changed
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It's not just my furniture you've re-aranged
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I was living in the past but some how you've brought me back
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And I haven't felt like this since before Franky said "Relax" ¾Ø ¾ÆÀÌ Çغì Æç ¾Æ잌 µð½º ½Å½º ºñÆ÷ ÇÁ·©Å° »õµå ¸±·¢½º
And though I know, Based on my track record
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I might not seem like the safest bet ¾ÆÀÌ ¸¶ÀÌÆ® ³´ ½É ¶óÀÌÅ© ´õ ¼¼ÀÌÇÁ½ºÆ® ºª
All I'm asking you,
¿Ã ¾Ï ¿¡½ºÅ· À¯
Is don't right me off just yet ÀÌÁî µ· ¶óÀÕ ¹Ì옾 Àú½ºÆ® ¿¾
For years I've been telling myself the same old story
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That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
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But you've given me a reason to take another chance
¹þ Ãò ±âºì ¹Ì ¾î ¸®Áð Åõ Å×잌 ¾ð¾Æ´ú 潺
Now I need you despite the fact that you've killed all my plants ³ª¿ì ¾ÆÀÌ ´ÏÁê µð½ºÆÄÀÌÆ® ´õ ÆÑÆ® ´ñ À¯ºê ųµå ¿Ã ¸¶ÀÌ Ç÷£Ã÷
And though I know, I've already blown more chances ¾Ø µµ¿ì ¾Æ ³ë¿ì,¾Æºê ¿Ã·¡¸® ºí·Ð ¸ô 潺Áî
Than anyone should ever get ´õ ¾Ö´Ï¿ø ½´µå ¿¡¹ö 겓
All I'm asking you,
¿Ã ¾ÆÀÓ ¿¡½ºÅ· À¯
Is don't write me off just yet
ÀÌÁî µ· ¶óÀÕ ¹Ì옾 Àú½º ¿¾
Don't write me off just yet
µ· ¶óÀÕ ¹Ì옾 Àú½º ¿¾