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¤ýÀÛ¼ºÀÏ 2014-02-10 17:03
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Slavery in South Koreahttp://bbs2.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/kin/read?bbsId=K162&articleId=94946

Latest reports confirmed the existence of modern day slavery in ShinAn, Jeolla Province that enticed nation wide sentiment of indignation and shock. The Seoul Guro Police Department has filed multiple charges against the staff of the employment agency and the owner of the salt farmer for kidnapping a mentally challenged under false pretenses. The victim was constantly exploited for strenuous labor and was not paid a single cent, leaving the public engrossed in rage towards the unfathomable injustice and inhumanity of this atrocity. Police reports also confirmed that the victim was severely beaten up whenever he attempted an escape and that the village residents collaborated together in preventing this crime to be heard to public ears. It was only when the victim secretly and successfully sent a letter to his mother about his circumstances that he was able to be rescued from his seemingly endless nightmare. The Seoul district policemen had to disguise as salt buyers due to the fact that the entire village residents, including the ShinAn Jeolla Police Department, were practically accomplices regarding this case. Fortunately, the victim was rescued after being captured for 5 years and 2 months but the traumatic aftermaths of his experience would haunt him till his deathbed. His story sparked the issue of modern day slavery in South Korea and encouraged further investigation to uncover the slavery that still exists in Jeolla.





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